Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Social Kingship

Cogon Market

It is good to see that still there are people who are not corrupted of their faith from liberalism. Like this tricycle is bearing a signage proclaiming in public of his king- Jesus Christ. I'm afraid that time will come when it would be illegal to have like this because of the law in the Philippines of separation of the state from the church. The society is becoming worse because of this law- that is you can only show your faith in private but not in public. 

Are we not commanded to proclaim HIM in season and out of season? Oh, how dare our leaders removed the social kingship of Jesus Christ. 

Plaza Marcela Mall

Saturday, May 4, 2013

The Virtue of Obedience

"Children, obey your parents"

MANNER OF HONORING PARENTS (source: Catechism of the Council of Trent)

 The honor which children are commanded to pay to their parents should be the spontaneous offering of sincere and dutiful love. This is nothing more than their due, since for love of us, they shrink from no labor, no exertion, no danger. Their highest pleasure it is to feel that they are loved by their children, the dearest objects of their affection. Joseph, when he enjoyed in Egypt the highest station and the most ample power after the king himself, received with honor his father, who had come into Egypt.16 Solomon rose to meet his mother as she approached; and having paid her respect, placed her on a royal throne on his right hand.17 *

 We also owe to our parents other duties of respect, such as to supplicate God in their behalf, that they may lead prosperous and happy lives, beloved and esteemed by all who know them, and most pleasing in the sight of God and of the Saints in heaven.

 We also honor them by submission to their wishes and inclinations. My son, says Solomon, hear the instruction of thy father, and forsake not the law of thy mother; that grace may be added to thy head, and a chain of gold to thy neck.18 Of the same kind are the exhortations of St. Paul. Children, he says, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is just;19 and also, children, obey your parents in all things, for this is well-pleasing to the Lord.20 (This doctrine) is confirmed by the example of the holiest men. Isaac, when bound for sacrifice by his father, meekly and uncomplainingly obeyed;21 and the Rechabites, not to depart from the counsel of their father, always abstained from wine.22 *

 We also honor our parents by the imitation of their good example; for, to seek to resemble closely anyone is the highest mark of esteem towards him. We also honor them when we not only ask, but follow their advice.

 Again we honor our parents when we relieve their necessities, supplying them with necessary food and clothing according to these words of Christ, who, when reproving the impiety of the Pharisees, said: Why do you also transgress the commandments of God because of your traditions? For God said: "Honour thy father and thy mother, and "He that shall curse father or mother let him die the death. But you say: "Whosoever shall say to his father or mother, The gift whatsoever proceedeth from me, shall profit thee. And he shall not honour his father or his mother; and you have made void the commandment of God for your tradition.23

 But if at all times it is our duty to honor our parents, this duty becomes still more imperative when they are visited by severe illness. We should then see to it that they do not neglect confession and the other Sacraments which every Christian should receive at the approach of death. We should also see that pious and religious persons visit them frequently to strengthen their weakness, assist them by their counsel, and animate them to the hope of immortality, that having risen above the concerns of this world, they may fix their thoughts entirely on God. Thus blessed with the sublime virtues of faith, hope and charity, and fortified by the helps of religion, they will not only look at death without fear, since it is necessary, but will even welcome it, as it hastens their entrance into eternity.

 Finally, we honor our parents, even after their death, by attending their funerals, procuring for them suitable obsequies and burial, having due suffrages and anniversary Masses offered for them, and faithfully executing their last wills.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

To give or not to beggars?

"Do everything with love"

Marapao St., Tagbilaran City

In the picture you can see beggars: two Badjao children and a native in this island of Bohol imploring help to the public, be it money or in kind. The question now is, are they a shame for Boholano people before the eyes of the foreign tourists? Many people asked this question, maybe even you.

One thing I'm afraid of is when I heard over the radio mayor Dan Lim said last year that it would be better for these Badjao to go back to their origin. To where? To the sea? Are they not Filipinos after all? Ahh that is to say they are unwelcome here. Shall we expect a bill in the future to persecute a giver like that in the city of Cebu? Such is an against the virtue of charity, therefore, unchristian.

I remember one thing to gain indulgence and for the satisfaction of our sins is alms-giving. I realized then that we are all beggars before God. 

Allow me to end by re-echoing the message written at the back of the tricycle, "Do everything with love".

**** I welcome comments**** 

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Waiting For you

"I will wait you until the last drop"

Do you believe if your suitor say this to you? Hmm... whether he/she meant what he/she says, it is a sweet music to your ears. But beware!  Kadto lugar nga mga suitors o ex-lovers ninyo naa pa lugar to ron naghuwat gihapon bisan minyo na? :) 

Ingon ani lang ni pero 50 pesos patong cada kilo. hehe

Any idea? Feel free to leave a comment...

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Facebook Fuels Envy

If envy were a fever
All the world is ill

This quote sees through the heart of man and it says the truth. This is very true due to our fallen nature that envy has become part of what and who we are. Who are not guilty of envy then? I too often times tempted to crave to my friend's success especially when logging in on Facebook. It made me sick that Facebook has become an avenue of glorifying one's self, showing the world what they've got. And on my part, a feeling of envy would hit me. Perhaps it's because I have nothing to show off. But all I know of is that Facebook is downgrading my existence in relation to my friends.

If ever you disagree with me, why not hit the comment button so you could voice out your idea?

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Only Those Who Dare Succeed

Only Those Who Dare Succeed 

This quote may be popular to everybody but to me this has challenged me to the core of my being.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

God Is a Great Provider

God is a great provider

I took this photo early in the making of this blog but left aside for good. I thought I would never feature this because it is not appealing to me, and I do not know how could this be a help to my readers. But the suicide of  Kristel Tejada, a UP student came to mind just a while ago . (Here's the link Several "what if" played in my mind. But what happened has already happened. I just hope that to those who are so downed now will be lightened up when they read this quote.

Thank you for reading this blog.

Busy afternoon at CPG avenue 

No One Cares?

Quote of the day: Smile! God loves!

The activity we had yesterday, the celebration of the passion and death of our Lord Jesus on the "Good Friday" is enough to confirm this quote once again.

The traffic officer on his watch near Shopper's Mart.

Teach me, Lead me

Quote of the day: Teach me your way, oh Lord and lead me in a smooth way

Friday, March 22, 2013

Let Love Touch Your Life

Quote of the day: Let love touch your life

Tagbilaran Cathedral

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Peace Is The Weapon To Deafeat Your Enemy

Quote of the day: Peace is the weapon to defeat your enemy

Holy Name University, the only catholic university in Bohol.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

No Time For Love

Quote of the day: No time for love

Ridiculous. hehehe

Monday, March 18, 2013

Quote of the day: The Lord is my shepherd

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Quote of the day: Today is ours to live, tomorrow is God's secret

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Quote of the day: A child learns by example than by words

Friday, March 15, 2013

Quote of the day: In every sacrifice there is always surprise.

Old house at the corner of Remolador St and Vissara St in Tagbilaran City,Bohol

What we are is God's gift to us. What we become is our gift to God

Quote of the day: What we are is God's gift to us. What we become is our gift to God.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Hard Work Yields a Profit But The Idler Brings Misfortune

Quote of the day: Hard work yields a profit but the idler brings misfortune.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Love Is The Greatest Gift of All

Quote of the day: "Love is the greatest gift of all"

Monday, March 11, 2013

Man is truly measured by what he gives

Quote of the day: "Man is truly measured by what he gives"

Ramiro Hospital, Tagbilaran City

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Be Strong...

Quote for the day: "Be strong the beginnings to great things are always the hardest".

I agree with this. How about you? 

Saturday, March 9, 2013

The Lord Will Fight For You, You Need Only To Be Still

Quote for the day: "The Lord will fight for you, you only need to be still".

Gallares corner Vissara St, Tabilaran City

Friday, March 8, 2013

Real Love Does Not Expect Something in Return

Quote for the day: "Real love does not expect something in return".

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Love Keeps Nothing Wrong

Quote for the day: "Love keeps Nothing Wrong"

Yes yes very true. Isn't it? :) 

Monday, March 4, 2013

Prepared Our Lord's Returned is Drawing Near

Read the quote written at the back of a motorcycle public-utility-vehicle in Bohol. You may click  it to enlarge if it is not readable enough.

"Prepared Our Lord's Returned is Drawing Near"

Is there any wrong with this quote? I mean grammatically? 


Painitang Bol-anon, City Square

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Love your Enemy

Read the quote written at the back of a motorcycle public-utility-vehicle in Bohol. You may click  it to enlarge if it is not readable enough.

"Love Your Enemy"

Sitio Catugasan, Dmapas District


Saturday, March 2, 2013

Love God Above All

Read the quote written at the back of a motorcycle public-utility-vehicle in Bohol. You may click  it to enlarge if it is not readable enough.

Love God Above All

Yes, you have your GOD and I have my GOD too. Everyone has his own GOD. But the question worthy to ponder is who is our God? What GOD this quote is referring to? One may ask, is not the quote readily understandable? My answer to that is, to a particular place like Bohol, yes. But this is not always the case in the country. While we often hear from school that money is God to the some people but now a modern man take on things and to himself freedom as his/her GOD. Man wanted to be free to the extent of not obeying the established truth but according to his/her subjective truth. Some Filipino values are losing because of this liberal thinking. How can one fly if he does not submit to the law of gravity? Never.

Friday, March 1, 2013

He Who Angers You, Controls You

Read the quote written at the back of a motorcycle public-utility-vehicle in Bohol. You may click  it to enlarge if it is not readable enough.

He Who Angers You, Controls You

Is it really true that he who angers you, controls you? In my humble opinion, I agree with this quote. Surely what comes to our mind when we read  this are the people who have offended us. And many of us have changed after such a hurtful experience. But in some cases mostly unknown to us is that we are angry at poverty. This is what I would like to address because this anger is not readily seen. It controls our lives silently. How many Filipinos leave their families to work abroad for one to two years? Millions. The risk to breaking families and relationships are welcomed by us Filipinos. This is the sign that it controls us because we are mad at poverty.  

In God We Trust

Read the quote written at the back of a motorcycle public-utility-vehicle in Bohol. You may click  it to enlarge if it is not readable enough.

In GOD we trust

CPG Avenue, BQ mall and City Square area

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Lord Is My Shepherd

Read the quote written at the back of a motorcycle public-utility-vehicle in Bohol. You may click  it to enlarge if it is not readable enough.

  The Lord is My Shepherd

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Forgive One Another

Read the quote written at the back of a motorcycle public-utility-vehicle in Bohol. You may click  it to enlarge if it is not readable enough.

Forgive one another

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